Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shave & a haircut; two bits

So you saw Preston's hair..It's WILD! So long and he has already had his hair cut once before. On Sunday at church I swear at laest 10 people commented on how long his hair was already getting and he's only 13 months old! So Jake took Preston on a little trip to Grandma Williams house to get a little bit of that mop tamed on that noggin of his.
Before & After
Can you believe how grown up he looks? With just a haircut. My lil baby is growin up and stuff. *sadface*


Tina said...

Wow he is growing up so fast! His new little haircut looks cute. Looks like you had a fun Halloween! All the kids look great.

Dez said...

He looks so growed up! Oh my goodness. Hard to believe Katy's older than he is.

The Cox Family said...

Wow!! He does look grown up. He definitely looks like he fits.