Thursday, July 30, 2009

oh noes

I am truly having a thought block at the moment on what to blog about. I've been sitting here for over 30 minutes just thinking.."hmm I could blog on this...oh hey or this..." But nothing is really striking me at the moment to really truly blog about. My power source went out on my computer (at least I'm assuming its the power source) but that won't be figured out until Jake can actually get around to peeking inside the computer over there. Which pictures to personally blog about or post just for fun. *growl* SO instead you get to hear about what's going on in our lives without the fun pictures! I know. Sad.
Summer has been a complete blast. We've had the blow up pool filled nearly all season and the kids go out at least once a day. To say the least they are each getting a very nice tan while I sit all white and marshmallowy in the shade. We have had friends over for bbq's and sleepovers and enjoyed every minute of it.
Work seems to be going well for Jake and looking forward and hoping for promotions to actually get him on a set schedule. I never really realized how much of a schedule person I was until his work schedule has been all out of whack and completely erratic. It makes me crazy. Dinner could be at 5 one night and then the next its at 8. Makes it really hard to schedule the time for him to spend time with kids or to figure out what time to schedule school.
And here comes the writing block again. I've said what I had to say I suppose *grin* But at least theres a new update!