Sunday, November 16, 2008

For Your Information

Hello all,
Figured we would put an update up of what seems to be going on around here and hoping for a bit more of a brainstorm. So if anyone has any ideas please feel free let me know what you are thinking.
As far as we have planned we figure that if I can get a job at University of Phoenix we will go there because it would be better for me to get my schooling done and out of the way and just rent something in the meantime. Hoping that a job there will help with tuition fees.Other thoughts (still somewhat in the thinking process) are selling the house and finding a job in the Salt Lake or surrounding areas and renting there. We thought about trying to be apartment managers if we could, then that way if we had not sold the house we still would only be making one housing payment instead of two.We are currently in the process of looking for work up in the Salt Lake area and putting in applications. So if you see any houses for cheap rent, Let us know! or if there are any places that would need us for management since Jen stays home most of the time she would be able to handle that during the day while I am at work and school.I do plan to go back to school and finish my degree in Computer Science and currently only have my associates. That's all we have been able to come up with so far, that I can think of at the moment anyway. Love you all! Thank you for the prayers and the thoughts, they all count.


Tina said...

I know that you aren't me, but I am (yes that's a joke)and this is what I would do. Move to Cedar City where I was living. They got great places for cheap and maybe I would be able to get you in quicker than usualto the place where I lived...maybe. Then get the max of school loans, go to school at least 12 credit hours worth, get any other government assistance you need, and just focus on school. I'm pretty sure that you can get that degree at SUU. Get rid of any distractions, or at least put them on the shelf for now. Like I did with my xbox. It'll suck the first month, maybe two, but then you will get in your groove and kick butt! Then time will fly and you'll be done and making money to get the loans paid off and then get a bigger and better house and life will rock! Well, that's what I would do if it were me in your shoes. Maybe I could hook you up with my old job too. It was easy. You can also get some tuition reimbursement for some classes that you take. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but here it is. You got to go out and make something happen for you, 'cause who else will work harder than you to help you? Well, keep me updated and give me a call every once and a while! Love you guys! (Josh)P.S. I get the longest post ever written prize.

Andy said...

Hey folks,
I'd actually consider SUU as well. We've got some connections at the Utah Shakespearean Festival we may be able to turn to your advantage.
Whether you go north or south, I would actually suggest taking all the grants (pretty much free money) you can, but be careful with loans (those you have to pay back).
I worked four different jobs while we were in Cedar City to make things work. It'll be a rough thing to get through, but we made prayer a huge part of our planning and execution. Including God in your schooling really makes it easier. Trust me, I've been going to college, etc. for over ten years now.
Just a question: have you considered renting your home while you're going to school, or at least until you can find a buyer? I know it may not be ideal, but it was just a thought.
Good luck.

Jake and Jen said...

The loan we got for the house was through HUD so they won't allow us to rent it out because it would be considered having an income property. We thought about refinancing to see if we could get a loan through someone else so we could rent the house out because it really would be a great place to rent to a young college going family here in town since it is rather close to the school. We have been slacking on looking to refinance, sadly. Worrying more that they wont refinance due to income issues.

Kristina said...

Am I too late? You know what we have already shared with you (mostly go for the degree - it gives you so many options).
I know the situation is not as simple for you guys bcse of all the conditions on your house and financial aid. But you have said this is what you most want, it will give you the better stability (long-term). I know for me Jeff going back to get his Masters had meant that I have a ton more responsibilities (Yes, I am almost exclusive diaper changer in the house). It has really helped Jeff out a lot with me taking on extra responsibilities and making sure that when he is home he is free to play with the kids or me. If we both focus on our responsibilities and getting it done, we have found we have a lot more time for each other and kids.

If refinancing is the best option, than get down there and do it. Just getting the things I don't want to do done as quickly as possible has made it easier for me.
Good luck! You rock!
Barbara Manatee (AKA Kristina)