Sunday, May 31, 2009

Veggie Tales: the whole story

Now I don't know about you guys but our family absolutely LOVES veggie tales. We are hardcore fans and have always enjoyed every video. A lot of our Sundays are spent in front of the TV getting easy lessons from their many different videos and I might even go as far as saying that we are collectors. I don't know if anyone else has heard the news but it's been out and about for a while now. They were taking any references to God out of any new shows being put out. The sad news is it's true.

For a very complete story on how Veggie Tales got to the inconceivable point of trying to remove all references to God and/or the Bible from the show to be aired on NBC, check out Phil Vischer’s blog. He takes you all the way from the founding of the company in 1990 to bankruptcy due to lawsuit and then to where we are today.

But alas is it "Deja Vu all over again". Find out for yourself right here! The Deja Vu.

I'm hoping that they can bring back all the glory. Started out as a great idea and carried as far as it could go under the circumstances and now that it's back to the original owners you can only hope and pray that they get it where they had always hoped themselves it would be. A ministry to those that need it. *highfive Phil Vischer*

Well, now..that I have completely confused myself ...and probably everyone else...I must be off haha (gee I really hope that my info is right)

"Imagine your favorite musical...great story, gorgeous sets, wonderful songs...then chop everyone's arms and legs off. That's Veggie Tales."--Bob the Tomato

This video is from my favorite Veggie Tales movie. The Easter Carol.