Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hands-off, kid. That food is mine!

I have a problem. I don't like to share. Actually, let me get specific here. I don't like to share my food. With my daughters, my son or my husband. Well, with anyone, really. Yeah, I know, I should have learned how to do this, oh, 20 years ago. And I know it's not a good example for my children, but I just can't help it.
You may be wondering, what is with this crazy woman? Here's the skinny. I'm nursing. I feel like I am already sharing so much with one person, when I finally get to sit down and eat something myself, the idea of sharing before AND after my meal just makes me, well, not want to share. Thankfully I haven't rubbed off on my kids. They are awesome at sharing thier food especially Hallie. She always offers us bites of whatever she has, even if it's a special treat she loves. She doesn't think twice about it. Then, over here on the other side of the kitchen table, you have ME. The food hoarder. The famished, snarling, defensive monster that is a hungry nursing mother.
Intellectually I know I should be sharing and I know I'm being one super-duper example for my daughter. But every time I sit down to eat and suddenly have a 4-year-old (who has already eaten her own meal) hovering and begging for bites, I just get bugged. You know it's getting bad when your kid asks for BROCCOLI and you share it begrudgingly. Normally I'd be doing cartwheels if she asked for more veggies, no matter whose plate those veggies were on. But, I'm hungry! And that's MY broccoli!
Yeah, yeah, sharing is the nice thing to do. If everyone in this world shared, what a wonderful world it would be. But I think nursing moms should get a free pass. And if you disagree, then I'm going to eat your food, too. =D